
Welcome to Stephens Bed & Breakfast. The content on our website serves only broad informative purposes. The information on the site is supplied in good faith, but we disclaim all express and implied warranties and representations regarding the correctness, sufficiency, validity, reliability, and completeness of any content on the site. 

Disclaimer Of External Links 

Links to external websites not hosted, maintained, or connected by Stephens Bed and Breakfast may be found on our website. Please be aware that Stephens Bed & Breakfast does not guarantee information on these external websites is correct, relevant, timely, or complete by Stephens Bed & Breakfast. 

Disclaimer For Professional Advice 

This website’s content is intended only as broad recommendations on relevant topics. Even with our best efforts to ensure that the information on the site is correct and up to date, errors can happen. Additionally, due to the dynamic nature of laws, rules, and regulations, there may be delays, omissions, or mistakes in the information on this site. 

Stephens Bed & Breakfast is not responsible for any mistakes, omissions, or outcomes from using this information. This website’s content is provided “as is,” with no guarantees regarding its timeliness, accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any particular purpose. It also comes without any warranty, implied or otherwise, including warranties regarding performance, merchantability, and fitness for a specific purpose. 

No decision made or action taken in reliance on the information on this site will ever leave Stephens Bed and Breakfast, its connected partnerships or corporations, thereof liable to you or anyone else for consequential, special, or similar damages, even if you are advised that such damages may occur. 

Guests’ Accountabilities 

Guests are responsible for ensuring that the accommodations they are staying in remain intact, and they will bear the consequences of any damage they may cause. Personal items left unattended in guest rooms or any other area of the property are not the responsibility of Stephens Bed & Breakfast. 

Get in touch with us. 

For any inquiries concerning this disclaimer, kindly contact us at [email protected]